Katchi takes the protection of the privacy of all those who use or browse this service very seriously. Katchi will protect and process your personal data in accordance with the following privacy policy. Meanwhile, all data are processed in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. If you do not agree with all or part of this Privacy Policy, please stop to use this service.

Personal Data Collection

You are not requested to submit any personal information to use this service. When you decide to register as a member, you must complete the service registration form and ensure that the information submitted is true, accurate and complete. If the information submitted is found to be untrue, inaccurate or incomplete, Katchi has the right to suspend or terminate the service and even refuse you to apply again in the future. By submitting the information, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data Collection Category

Personal data collected by Katchi may include, but is not limited to:

(1) Personal Information: name, gender, date of birth, ID card number, phone number, social media link, email address, contact address, mailing address, etc .;

(2) Business Information: company name, category, Business Registration Certificate (BR), name of person in charge, phone number, social media link, email address, contact address, mailing address, etc .;

(3) Consumption Practice: time of usage, search history, browsing content, advertisement browsing and interaction, transaction history, website message, enquery, etc .;

(4) Device Information: computer or mobile device system, IP address, real-time location data, browser settings, browsing history, system automatically records traces, etc.

Use of Personal Data

(1) Identify and verify the registered members and ensure the continuous and effective operation of the service.

(2) Notify registered members about the latest news, products, promotions and special offers.

(3) Customize the services for registered members and conduct product and quality surveys.

(4) To process enquiries of registered members regarding their registered accounts.

(5) Conduct opinion surveys to statistics, research and analyze members' usage preferences to improve service quality.

(6) Any other use directly related to the service.

Target of Use of Personal Data

We and our related contract enterprises (such as: advertisers, logistics partners, support agencies, cooperative manufacturers, etc.). Except for legal, ruling or government review, all personal data is confidential.

Personal Data Retention Period

This service is valid for membership and 12 months after termination; non-members are 6 months after the end of the purpose of collecting personal data.

Confidentiality and Security

We will follow the laws of Hong Kong to regulate the employees who have the authority to review and use your personal data to ensure that the personal and transaction information of registered members is absolutely confidential. To protect the security of your account and personal data, please do not arbitrarily disclose your personal account information or passwords to any third parties, or allow any third parties to apply for accounts or log in with your personal data. Otherwise, you are responsible for the relevant responsibilities. We also recommend that registered members change their passwords regularly to increase their security. If your password or account is stolen or any security issues occured, please notify us immediately.

Data Update

If your online personal information needs to be modified or corrected, please log in to your member account first. If you wish to stop receiving messages from the Katchi about new products, promotions and special promotions, please log in to your member account system and opt out of receiving our promotional messages.

Third Party Service System

This service may be connected to a third-party service provider system, such as Facebook, Google, or a similar community service system. After obtaining your consent, some of the information on this service may be posted to different community activity information pages. If you do not agree with the release of such messages, please do not click the consent button.

Face Data Policy

We analyze your face to find the feature points of the faces in the camera view (e.g. eyes, nose, mouth points) for face processing.

We do not collect facial data. After the analysis process, all data will be deleted and no data will be saved.

We will not share your face data with any third party, nor will we store any face information, and all data will be deleted after the analysis process is complete.

Use of Cookie

This service may set and access cookies on your computer. You can decide whether to allow this service to access and use cookie technology through your browser settings. If you turn off cookies, it may cause inconvenience or restrict some functions when using the service.


We may amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Once it is amended, Katchi will notice the registered member by email and announce on the website. If you do not agree with the change or modification, please inform us and stop using this service.

Enquiries about Privacy Policy

If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy, please contact us via email katchi.fun@gmail.com